Elli Radinger


Wohllebens Waldakademie

Expertin zum Thema Wolf

Elli Radinger ist die Wolfsexpertin in Deutschland. Sie hat schon im Yellowstone-Nationalpark an Wolfsforschungen teilgenommen und viele Bestseller darüber geschrieben.

Veranstaltungen mit Elli Radinger

Discover the secret life of trees!<br> Please note: All our standard events are held in German. Reach out to us if you would like to book an <a href="https://www.wohllebens-waldakademie.de/betriebsausfluege"><u>individual event in English.</a></u>
Eine Woche Waldwissen pur
Advanced training
Learn with pleasure at an exciting, hands-on training on the topics of forests and nature with Peter Wohlleben and a team of experts.
Advanced training
We love the forest - The team of Wohllebens Waldakademie consists of experienced foresters, geographers, ecologists and nature educators.