Two-hour hike - The Hidden Life of Trees per Person 08. Dezember 2024

29.00 €incl. VAT plus shipping
Availability Verfügbar

Please note: All of the events bookable through our website are held in German. Please do get in touch if you are interested in booking an individual event in English!

Amazing things happen in the forest: trees that communicate with each other. Trees that lovingly care for their offspring, but also for old and sick neighbors. Trees that have sensations, feelings, a memory. Unbelievable? But true! Forester Josef, geographer and biologist Jonas, environmental bioscientist Celina or nature and landscape ecologist Patrick tell fascinating stories about the unexpected and highly amazing abilities of trees. To do so, they draw on the latest scientific findings as well as their own direct experiences with the forest, creating an exciting new encounter for nature enthusiasts: We become acquainted with a living creature that seemed familiar to us, but here appears before us for the first time in all its vitality. And we enter a completely new world.

The event will be held in German.

Maximal 20
3-5 km
13:00 bis 15:30 Uhr
Wetterfeste Kleidung
Jan Kaufmann, Jonas Weinand, Celina Gertz, Josef Eichler, Patrick Esser
Wohllebens Waldakademie, Weiherstraße 3, 53520 Wershofen (für eventuelle Änderungen beachtet bitte unsere Anfahrtsmail einige Tage vor der Veranstaltung)
Wir empfehlen ein Mindestalter von 10 Jahren.
Ökologie, Pflanzen, Wald
Hunde sind erlaubt, wenn sie sich mit anderen Hunden verstehen und permanent angeleint sind.
2,5 Stunden
Gerne kannst du zu dieser Veranstaltung auch Kleinkinder mitbringen - bitte kontaktiere uns diesbezüglich vor Buchung telefonisch oder per E-Mail.
Erforderliche Kondition
Befestigte Wege, die nur selten verlassen werden; langsames Tempo; viele Pausen; kleine Anstiege