Drohne über den Wäldern der Eifel

The forest protection project for companies

Act locally, take global responsibility

The UrwaldProjekt: Wilderness Protection for Companies

Support forest protection in Germany with your company. In doing so, you not only make an important contribution to the protection of biodiversity and the climate, but also benefit from extensive communication opportunities.

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Transparent, GEO-localized & experienceable in Germany

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Marketing materials for communication

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Forest protection with experts

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Taking responsibility for native ecosystems

The primeval forest project of Wohllebens Waldakademie makes it its business to place old deciduous forests under protection for the next 50 years. This creates valuable forest reserves that are a wonderful and important home for many animal and plant species in particular. At the same time, the climate can be protected very effectively and locally.

Learn more

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Local CSR project

We help you communicate with your customers. For this purpose, we have developed a unique web application that creates maximum transparency. Your company's own protected area is precisely mapped on an interactive map and can be visited by customers and employees at any time. A tangible conservation project with maximum transparency here in Europe. For this CSR measure, we will be happy to provide you with your own Waldretter page, on which all information about your own protected area is clearly presented.

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Real impact instead of greenwashing

By supporting the UrwaldProjekt, you are giving something back to nature and making an important contribution to protecting the climate and biodiversity. Nevertheless, this project is not intended for CO2 compensation. From our point of view, there is no meaningful CO2 compensation through forest projects. Nevertheless, it is important to give something back to nature.

Selected supporters

Wohllebens Waldakademie

Waldretter seal

As a supporter of the project, you will receive a Waldretter seal from us. The seal contains an individual URL so that your customers can quickly and transparently find your protected area on your individual company landing page.


Project honoured by the United Nations

Un Dekade Top Projekt UN Dekade

Our conservation area packages*

ab 500 m²

  • Customised Forest rescuer page
  • Forest rescuer logo**

ab 10.000 m²

  • Premium-Forest rescuer page
  • Customised forest rescuer logo**
  • Two dates for a 2.5-hour private expedition for up to 50 people ODER An overnight event in the forest for up to 15 people***
  • Personalised video with video footage of the protected area and individual address (approx. 2-3 min)

*in order to benefit from the advantages of the protected areas packages, it must be a single order, multiple bookings are not offset
**In order to prevent targeted greenwashing, we reserve the right to check the company and its corporate purpose before we send out the Waldretter logo.
*** Alternatively, we are also happy to offer online formats for employees or customers if the offer of an event in the Eifel is not attractive to you. Please feel free to contact us.
Any media communication (internal/external) for informational or advertising purposes is possible with the prior approval of Wohllebens Waldakademie. Please contact us at info@wohllebens-waldakademie.de . We will get back to you within 48 hours.

Schutzfläche 1

Die jungen Wilden Nohn

3,65 € per m²
Nohn, Eifel
>120 Years
Beech, Oak
  • 50 years of secure protection
  • Project area approx. 22 hectares
  • Free booklet from 50 m²
  • Free guided tour from 95 m²
Protect now
Schutzfläche 1

Die jungen Wilden Rodder

3,65 € per m²
Rodder, Eifel
>120 Years
Beech, Oak
  • 50 years of secure protection
  • Project area approx. 18 hectares
  • Free booklet from 50 m²
  • Free guided tour from 95 m²
Protect now
Schutzfläche 1

Buchengiganten Lohmar

4,60 € per m²
Bergisches Land
>300 Years
Beech, Oak
  • 50 years of secure protection
  • Project area approx. 17 hectares
  • Free booklet from 50 m²
  • Free guided tour from 75 m²
Protect now

„Seit unserer Gründung 1981 ist Nachhaltigkeit ein Hauptbestandteil unser Unternehmenskultur und -strategie. Wir freuen uns, dass wir Teil des UrwaldProjektes von Wohllebens Waldakademie sind! Denn gemeinsam teilen wir die gleichen Werte: Für die Waldakademie ist die Erhaltung und der Schutz unserer Umwelt mindestens genauso wichtig, wie für uns als Outdoor-Unternehmen. Wir sind uns bewusst, wie essenziell der Erhalt von Urwäldern im Herzen Europas für ein ökologisches Gleichgewicht ist. So konnten wir im Rahmen unserer starken Partnerschaft gemeinsam bereits eine Gesamtfläche von knapp neun Fußballfeldern (61.247 m²) alter Buchenwälder für mindestens 50 Jahre unter Schutz stellen. Wir freuen uns, auch zukünftig mit der Waldakademie einen sinnvollen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten. Dabei spielt auch die entsprechende Aufklärung unserer Kund*innen eine zentrale Rolle.“

– Richard Collier, CEO Jack Wolfskin

What our supporters say

"Als Bildungsträger ist es uns wichtig, Natur und Wissen für unsere Schulungsteilnehmenden und Mitarbeitenden greifbar zu machen.

Unser Ziel ist es, unser Waldschutz-Engagement mit Wohllebens Waldakademie weiter auszubauen und nachhaltig Wissen wachsen zu lassen."

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