Peter and the Wood

The podcast of Peter Wohlleben, GEO & Wohlleben's Forest Academy

Wohllebens Waldakademie

The Forest Podcast

What makes the magic of wilderness? Do trees have feelings? How does ecological forestry work? Germany's best-known forester Peter Wohlleben talks to experts, scientists, activists and celebrities about how we can better protect the climate and the forest, why biodiversity is so important - and what each of us can do to make the green turnaround in Germany a success. It's finally here - Peter Wohlleben and Wohllebens Waldakademie's own podcast. Every second Tuesday, new episodes appear on all popular podcast portals.

Have fun listening! Please note that the Podcast is in German.

Du willst mehr über das Ökosystem Wald erfahren?

Dann Besuche uns doch einmal in der Waldakademie
Advanced training
Learn with pleasure at an exciting, hands-on training on the topics of forests and nature with Peter Wohlleben and a team of experts.
Advanced training
Discover the secret life of trees!<br> Please note: All our standard events are held in German. Reach out to us if you would like to book an <a href=""><u>individual event in English.</a></u>
Eine Woche Waldwissen pur
Products with double benefit. Here you can find ecological gifts and merchandise from Wohllebens Waldakademie.

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